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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Technology in Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology in Literacy - Essay Example f civilization, as an individual can only progress if he or she has the ability to read and write, thereby gaining knowledge and experience about the dynamics of life and the world in general (Kemp 3). The definition of literacy does not stop at the ability to read and write, but extends to include the capacity of an individual to exercise all the knowledge and skills that they gain through reading and writing to shape the course of their lives, or draw up their destinies. As such, literacy becomes a flexible collection of closely linked strategies and skills to the context and purpose of learning and progress. In such a manner, technology comes in a revolutionary way to define the manner or style by which these individual acquire the capacity to read or write. The effect of technology under these considerations is whether it enables many people to acquire literacy, or spoils the same effort of literacy acquisition by exposing these individuals to knowledge and skills far beyond their understanding. In such a case, technology ends up being a pitfall rather than a ladder to the advancement of literacy in the modern world (Felderman and Vasquez 45). The research to establish the effect of technology in literacy used both qualitative, as well as, quantitative methods to discern the degree of influence. The participants in the research involved both the old and the young, in different geographical settings. A group of old men and women, both from town and from the rural settlements took part in the research, and similarly to the young boys and girls of the same age group and from different backgrounds. This enabled the researcher to collect the honest opinions of each side of the market and determine the true effects of technology in the advancement of literacy. Analysis of data was particular in establishing the level of gains made by literacy due to incorporation of technology, as well as, the negative effects of the inclusion of technology in the advancement of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Identify and describe two significant U.S laws in international trade Essay

Identify and describe two significant U.S laws in international trade for the period of 2000-2008 - Essay Example This agreement immediately removes tariffs on more than eighty percent (80%) of U.S. exports comprising of products, which are consumer and industrial, the rest being phased out in 10 years (USTR, CAFTA-DR Final Text, 1). The Office of the United States Trade Representative also says that the DR-CAFTA would provide the same reciprocal access for the products and services of the US, just like most of the imports that enter the United States which are duty free, under the so-called â€Å"Generalized System of Preferences, Caribbean Basin Initiative and Most Favored Nation programs† (USTR, CAFTA-DR Final Text, 1). Hence, the goal of this agreement is to maintain a healthy competition and to create â€Å"a more efficient marketplace across international borders† (US Trade Representative, CAFTA Facts: Meeting the Needs of the Region’s Rural Poor, 1). This agreement is also provided with funding initiatives in order to enhance rural development and build trade capacity (USTR, CAFTA Facts: Financial Support for CAFTA-DR, 1). Thus, countries under this agreement was said to receive billions of dollars from various agencies in the next few years ((USTR, CAFTA Facts: Financial Support for CAFTA-DR, 1). Aside from this, the agreement contains the international labor rights with the capability to trade, providing thereby the procedures in case a party fails in its obligations under the labor provisions (Human Rights Watch, 1). However, according to Brandie Ballard Wade, although the provision of the DR-CAFTA provides that â€Å"members are committed to meet their obligations under the ILO declaration and ensure that both the rights of workers and the internationally recognized labor principles are protected and established in its laws,† there is however no requirement that they have to meet these obligations (645). Instead, the agreement only requires that countries strive to ensure that international principles and rights â€Å"are acknowledged and protected by