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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Introduction to American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Introduction to American Government - Essay Example The presence of many children combined with puritans stress on the importance of reading the bible led to widespread concern for the education of the youth. Small schools were thus established and boys and girls were taught basic reading by the parents or school. Grandparents were quickly created since people married young with marriages lasting longer and producing more children. Church membership was obligatory for voting in colony elections. All New Englanders were required to attend religious services, whether or not they were church members and people for expressed contempt for ministers could be punished with fines and whippings, the puritan colonies attempted to enforce strict codes of moral conduct. Colonies there could be tried for drunkenness, card playing, dancing or even idleness. Couples who had sex during their engagement were fined and publicly humiliated, men and a handful of women, who engaged in behaviors that today would be called homosexual were seen as especially sinful and reprehensible and some were executed. This and much more, was later to cause fierce rivalries leading to wars for freedom and independence.The Middle Colonies included the colonies of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Many of these people didn't bring their families with them from England and were the perfect workers for the hard work required in ironworks and shipyards. Factories in Maryland produced iron, and factories in Pennsylvania produced paper and textiles.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Is the Game Theory, the Right Game Essay Example for Free

Is the Game Theory, the Right Game Essay Yes, indeed the game theory is the right game. Business is not about winning and losing nor is it about how well you play the game. The essence of business success lies in making sure youre playing the right game. The challenge for us is to make sure were playing the right game. There are times in our life that we think we are in the right game but suddenly we realize that it is not the game we should play. For example, the course that you choose in college, you enrolled in accounting because your parents said so or because you dont have any choice yet but you dont possess the passion, attitude and skills an accountant must have. That is an evidence that you are in the wrong course, the remedy is to change your course into the course you love and possess the skills and passion for. To every action, there is a reaction. You have to look forward into the game and then reason backward to figure out which of todays actions will lead you to where you want to end up. In order to succeed we need to go beyond the threats and opportunities that might occur and what we what to become in the future but we need also to be realistic and not too imaginary. Thus, after looking forward we make the action that will lead us to where we what to be. The decisions and actions you make today will affect our future career. So make the right actions and decisions. You cannot take away from the game more than you bring to it. You cannot take away more than your added value. Dont remove something that contribute to your strengths, keep and maintain them. The main focus is allocentrism. It is the importance of focusing on others. You have to put yourself in the shoes and even in the heads of other players. You have to ask not what other players can bring to you but what you can bring to other players. Its changing our mind-set into other players mind-set because if you know what and how they think its easy for you to discern what they need and what to the betterment of the company. Successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play, not just playing the game you find. Its true that we should actively shape the game we play. It means that finding a continuous improvement and not just be stagnant in where you are now. We should find a way to increase and improve to the next level as years pass by. Understanding other players can help find new strategies for changing the game or new applications of existing strategies. In changing the game we should understand the players, added value, rules, tactics and scope. There is nothing permanent in this world we should actively change into better. The world is constantly changing and we need to adapt to it for us not to be left behind. In conclusion I agree that we should be a game maker than a game taker. We should have a coopetition mind-set and to be an allocentric. I believe that in business and even in our own lives there is no end to the game of changing the game. It is always an on going process that we should adapt and be flexible to it. We should be alert and wise to make decisions and actions because our decisions and actions today will change and have an effect to our future career.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam The following case study on the Three Gorges Dam illustrates the pros and cons of concrete gravity dam construction and is an excellent complement to the material discussed in the technical paper. Chinas Three Gorges Dam (TGD) is the largest power generating plant in the world. The TGD is a hydroelectric concrete gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River, in Hubei province.5 It is located in the Xilingxia gorge which is one of the three gorges of this river.5 Costing a total of over 30 billion US dollars 6, the TGD project was put in place for several reasons including flood protection, energy production, increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River and access to fresh water for the citizens. 3 The construction of this dam is having a major impact on Chinas national economy, and its performance is critical to the large population living in Three Gorges region. 3 Upon its completion, the dam will measure 2.6 kilometres in length, 186 meters in height and it will form a 645 kilometre long reservoir in the midsection of the Yangtze. 3 The dam is designed to generate an output of 17680MW which includes 26 generators at 680 MW per unit. 3 The following figure shows the exact location of Three Gorges dam. Figure 3: Map of the Three Gorges Dam In terms of construction, the dam will be composed of 32 primary generators which will allow the dam to reach its maximum power output capacity. 26 generators are found on the dam itself while the remaining are built below a neighbouring mountain.6. Furthermore, a ship lift capable of vertically transporting ships (weighing as much as 3000 tons) from one water level to another will be built on the north side of the Three Gorges Dam.6. Other than the ship lift, a series of locks have been installed designed for boats weighing up to 10 000 tons; approximately four hours are needed for transit of these vessels. 6. The ship lifts and locks constructed as part of the TGD are very beneficial aspects as they promote increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River. By transporting more freight on the river, a reduction in emissions caused by the trucking industry is predicted,6 which is beneficial to the environment. The following table shows a summary of several specifications of the da m: Table 3: TGD Physical Summary (http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-12142004-125131/unrestricted/SAllin_010304.pdf) Location Dam Site Sandouping, Hubei Province, China Dam Crest 185 meters Dam Length 2,000 meters Reservoir Specifications Normal Pool Level 175 meters Flood Control Level 145 meters Total Storage Capacity 39.3 billion cubic meters Flood Control Storage 22.1 billion cubic meters Power Generation Installed Capacity 17,680 MW Unit Capacity 26 units, 680 MW/unit Inundation Land 632 km-long, 19 cities, 326 towns Arable Land 30,000 hectares Population 1,980,000 people As mentioned previously, prevention or mitigation of the effects of floods is one of the primary reasons for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam since Chinese records show that about one major flood per decade occurs in the area, some killing over 300 000 people. 3 The TGD which has a total of 22 billion cubic meters of capacity destined to flood control will allow China to control some major floods which also have a great impact on the economy.3 Energy production is also a major benefit involved in the construction of the dam. In fact, with its output of 18 million KW, the TGD is worlds most powerful plant. It was found that the TGD would produce a total of nearly 10% of the available energy in China.3 A third reason for the construction of the dam would be for consistent access to fresh water for consumption or agricultural use. In fact, it is known that the Yangtze Rivers water level fluctuates significantly which could affect the amount of water available for use; the TGD wi ll be able to supply this water consistently, mitigating the effects of these fluctuations in the water level of the river. 3. Finally, increased navigability in the river is another benefit related to the construction of this dam. The Three Gorges Dam allows for a direct access from the Pacific Ocean into mainland China, which in turn promotes increased trade in the cities; in the end, increased navigability will create new job, new markets will emerge, and there will be a better economic vitality in general.3 It is clear that there are significant benefits to the construction of this dam, as it will not only have a positive impact on the Chinese economy, but it will also increase the quality of life of Chinese citizens and contribute to human development. Unfortunately, some argue that the environmental and social price to be paid with respect to the construction of the Three Gorges dam outweighs its benefits to society. In fact, the environmental impacts including effects on biodiversity, emissions, erosion and sedimentation as well as waste, and the social effect of relocation of millions of citizens causes great harm to the Chinese population. The following information on the environmental and social effects of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is written with the help from a report from Samuel Robert Fishleigh Allin which will be listed in the references used for this technical paper. Environmental effects The construction of dams definitely has a detrimental impact on the environment. Some of the impacts involved are greenhouse gas emission, loss of aquatic biodiversity, loss of water quality, loss of wildlife, and creation of wetlands. The construction of the dam negatively alters the composition of the water in the Yangtze River, already one of the most polluted rivers in the world due mainly to coal shipping. First, the dust resulting from the construction itself will enter and pollute the water. It is found that the oxygen levels as well as the temperature of the water, which affects fish downstream, are also altered upon the dams completion. Furthermore, greenhouse gases are released from the breakdown of vegetation and silt, which lowers the surrounding air quality. Also, a silt build-up in the river could possibly affect the reservoirs of the dams increasing the possibility of floods, upstream from the dam. The flow of silt throughout the river is very crucial to aquatic wildli fe; without it in proper quantities, the organisms can be deprived of a sufficient quantity of nutrients. Moreover, the Three Gorges Dam affects the stream flow of the River and this disrupts the aquatic ecosystems which are very dependent on the timing of the water level fluctuations. Finally, one more aspect that is more related to the health and safety of the population is the fact that the TGD was built near a fault line and the magnitude and force that this dam exerts on the ground can increase the chances that an earthquake occurs. Social effects It is important to account for the different negative social impacts before launching the construction of a large dam. The most significant social implication related to the Three Gorges Dam is the fact that over one million people living near the reservoir area had to be relocated, many already living in severe poverty, while the compensation for relocation was often inadequate. Water from the Three Gorges Dam is expected to flood 13 cities and over 100 000 acres of farmland which really disturbs the people`s everyday life as it results in loss of jobs and well being. Some of the difficulties involved in the resettlement process include medical services, schools, drinking water and food as well as electricity. Also, another social impact is the fact that some of the archaeological sites near the dam including historical artefacts will become inaccessible due to the construction of the dam. On the other hand, one social benefit of the TGD is flood control provided by the dam will sav e people from disasters in the future as the frequency of a major flood is expected to be at 1 in 100 years frequency. To end the section on social impacts a figure of the scope of the resettlement area caused by the construction of the TGD is shown: http://www.ctgpc.com/benefifs/images/06.jpg In conclusion, although the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is great for the development of the Yangtze River, contributes to the Chinese economy, and presents benefits such as flood control, energy production, increased navigability and access to fresh water, it is clear that the negative social and environmental price to pay to sustain these benefits is a major cause of concern for the future.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cons Of Cloning :: essays research papers

Many people say that everyone in the world has a twin. Today, science and technology has the ability to make this myth reality through the process of cloning. I am strongly against cloning for many reasons. People should not utilize cloning because it would destroy individuality and uniqueness, cause overpopulation, animal cruelty, it is against morals and ethics, and it violates many religious beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to strongly argue against cloning, there must be an understanding of its process and what exactly it is. Simply stated, a clone is a duplicate just like a photocopy. A good example of such â€Å"copies† that occur are identical twins, which are duplicates of each other. â€Å"The first step of DNA cloning is to isolate a complete gene and is to chromosomal sequences and then to gradually begin flaking the chromosomal sequences of a single DAN molecule. Then the DNA clone can be electronically labeled and used as a probe to isolate the chromosomal sequences from a collection of different types of genes, which should contain cloned sequences that would represent the whole gene. This action will produce new sets of cloned cells identical to the mother cell. The new set of cells are isolated and likewise the simplified process is repeated all over again until the cells form a complete organ. In order to produce a complete organism the DNA must be alte red in a variety of way to come out with the finished product to be the complete organism.† In simple terms, a cell is taken from a donor woman. Then an unfertilized egg is taken from a second woman. The DNA from the cell is removed and transferred to the egg. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate mother. The resulting baby is genetically identical to the original donor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human cloning destroys individuality and uniqueness. â€Å"What makes people unique is the fact that we have different genes and cloning would lose these important parts of our bodies makeup.† There would be less of a variety of people and everyone would be the same. This would not only be the good qualities, but also the bad that would pass on. Since clones and the original donor will look alike and have the same DNA, it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference. Overtime, they would lose their individuality and uniqueness. For example, say a crime was committed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modern History Germany 1918-1939 Essay

The Weimar Republic was considered weak from the post-war period until 1933. The weaknesses in the Weimar Republic were key to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. Many historians have criticized these weaknesses, saying that the Weimar Republic was always going to fail, due to mismanagement and the lack of experience. These weaknesses include Article 48, which helped Hitler pass the Enabling Act of 1933. The role of President Hindenburg was another weakness of the Weimar Republic as he was able to choose the Chancellor, giving Hitler and the Nazi Party more power. The Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923 is also an example of the weak Weimar Republic. However, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic was not the only aid to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party, as there were many external factors, such as the Dawes Plan, linked to the Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923, which exposed Germany to the Great Depression, as well as the Treaty of Versailles, and its many points including Article 231 – the war guilt clause. Furthermore, the capitalization of these weaknesses was also a key factor to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1923. The weaknesses in the Weimar Republic allowed for the Nazi’s to gain power through Article 48, where the President is given emergency powers to suspend the Reichstag at a moments notice. After the Reichstag Fire, Hitler convinced Hindenburg to use Article 48, giving Hitler the opportunity to pass the Enabling Act without the majority of the Reichstag’s approval, and banned the Communists. This shows that because of Article 48, Hitler was given legal means of gaining power, and without Article 48, Hitler would have never of became a Dictator of Germany with the rising power given to the Nazi Party. The use of Article 48 also led to the creation of the Enabling Act in 1933. The Enabling Act of 1933 allowed Hitler to gain power as it gave Hitler total control of the Reichstag. Once it was passed with the help of Article 48 on Hindenburg’s account, it gave Hitler the ability of ruling for 4 years unopposed, without having to consult with the Reichstag if he wanted to pass any laws. Hitler used this act to ban all other political parties, giving him no other opponents. Without the help of Article 48, Hitler would not have passed the Enabling Act, and would not of had full control of the Reichstag, citing the rise of power of the Nazi Party in 1933. Because Article 48 gave Hitler the possibility of passing the Enabling Act, the Weimar government is responsible for allowing Hitler to come to power, giving in to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. The role of Hindenburg allowed for Hitler’s rise to power and growth of the Nazi Party in 1933 because of his right to choose who would be his Chancellor. Hindenburg chose Hitler at the suggestion of Von Papen, an ex-president, who thought that Hindenburg could control him. Hindenburg relented, eventually giving Hitler head of state. Evidently, Hindenburg could not control Hitler as Chancellor, and ended up giving Hitler more control than he should have had, accounting for Hitler’s rise to power and the growth and prominence of the Nazi Party. The historian K. J. Mason supports the observation that the role of Hindenburg made an error in choosing Hitler as chancellor. He states that â€Å"having been given power, he now had total power†¦ within a mere two months of his appointment as chancellor†¦ achieved his aim, moving from the role of legal chancellor to that of legal dictator†, demonstrating that the government system of the Weimar Republic allowed an Autocrat like Hindenburg to decide on a chancellor initially destroys the Weimar Republic, citing a fatal weakness that grants Hitler and the Nazi’s more power. What this says about the Weimar Republic is that it was always faulted, giving the president as much power as possible, even giving him the option of choosing his Chancellor. It shouldn’t have been possible for Hindenburg to choose the Chancellor, as it gave him too much power, also giving Hitler the option of more power. The Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923 accounts for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 as the crisis showed that the Weimar government was incapable of leading Germany. This incapability allowed for extremist parties like the Nazi’s to be considered as alternatives. This led to the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, which, evidently, illustrates that without the government mismanagement, the Beer Hall Putsch may have never happened. This shows that because of Government mismanagement, there would not have been civil unrest, which clearly accounts for the rise in popularity and power for Hitler and the Nazi Party. The economic mismanagement of 1923 can then be seen as a predecessor to the effects of the Great Depression of 1929, linking to the Dawes Plan. This shows that the Weimar government did not learn from their mistakes, showing how weak the Weimar government was, having there been two crippling economic issues in the 14 years of the Weimar Republic. The Dawes Plan assisted the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 as it led to an explosion of support for the Nazi’s. The Dawes Plan brought in loans from the United States of America in order for the German republic to finance its industry, and to finance reparations, but ultimately exposed Germany to the Great Depression. Because it was through the Weimar republic that Germany was exposed to the Great Depression in 1929, there was an explosion in support for the Nazi Party, leading to its growth and rise in power. Richard Evans supports this view, explaining how the Great Depression showed the incapability’s and failures of foreign affairs. Evans explains this through the quote: â€Å"as Germany fell deeper into depression, middle class citizens saw the Nazi party as a possible way out†, explaining how the Great Depression affected the popularity of the Nazi Party, as the civilians saw that the only way to fix Germany’s economy and falling spirit was to support the Nazi Party. This shows that is the Dawes Plan didn’t exist, Germany wouldn’t have been exposed to the Great Depression, and there wouldn’t have been a rise in the support of the Nazi Party in 1929, and it wouldn’t be accountable for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. The Treaty of Versailles aided the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 through Article 231 – the War Guilt Clause. The war guilt clause called for reparations to be paid to France and Britain, loss of German territory, for example the Polish Corridor, which divided up Germany and East Germany (Prussia), and caused national humiliation. The Treaty of Versailles indicates that the Weimar Republic was weak as well, because a strong political system would not have accepted such a treaty. The Treaty of Versailles assisted the growth and rise to power of Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1933, as they promised to scrap the Treaty of Versailles. The capitalization of the weaknesses in the Weimar Republic, led to the growth and rises to power of the Nazi Party in 1933, because of the Nazi’s constant exploitation of the Weimar Republic and all of its mistakes, using them to its own advantage as well as the manipulation of incidents involving the Reichstag. The Nazi’s exploited the Weimar Republic’s mistakes, using the mood of resentment and frustration of the German public toward the failing Republic, promising a revitalization of will and a new beginning for Germany. The main incident that the Nazi’s manipulated was the Reichstag Fire, as once a Communist was found inside the wreckage, Hitler used this to his advantage and banned the communists from the Reichstag. The capitalization of the weaknesses involving the Weimar Republic and incidents involving the Reichstag as well as Nazi promises of a new beginning aided the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. To summarize, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic was partially responsible for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933, although there are many external factors for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party. These weaknesses involve Article 48, the Enabling Act, the role of President Hindenburg, the Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923. The external factors include the Treaty of Versailles and Article 231 – the War Guilt Clause, the Dawes Plan and the Great Depression, as well as the exploitation of the Weimar Republic’s mistakes as a government and the manipulation of incidents involving the Reichstag, used to the Nazi Party’s advantage. These points ultimately led to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Logistics Management Essay Example

Logistics Management Essay Example Logistics Management Essay Logistics Management Essay UK and Parnshop,HK to fulfill the achievements during the entire home grocery delivery logistics operation process. Moreover, heaps of logistics strategies, IT solution would be founded in this report, at last; it will also discuss the key difficulties in maintaining a high level of customer service at optimal cost. . Background of PARKnshop shop Ocado 2. 1 PARKnshop Background Parknshop is the leading supermarket chain and multi formats retail in Hong Kong, who operates more than 230 outlets in Hong Kong and also accounts for over 40% of the packaged food market, which is equivalent of 250,000 containers per year and offer on-line shopping and home delivery service. Their mission is â€Å"To be the family first choice for Food Shopping† [pic]Parknshop Group Industry: |Retailing | |Founded /Headquarter |1973 / Hong Kong | |Area Served: |Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau | 2. 2 Ocado Background Ocado is a British Internet retailer specializing in groceries wholly focused on the home delivery of high-quality food, drink and household goods. The company has centralized warehouse based and picking model in CFC, online delivery without any physical shops. Their mission is â€Å"Great Value, Great Service, Great Choice and Great Way to Shop† [pic] Ocado Group |Industry: |Internet retail | |Founded /Headquarter |2002 / Hatfield,Hertfordshire, United Kingdom | P1 3. Different approaches of Logistics Strategies Operation Management After research, Ocado and Parknshop have some difference approaches for their operation management activities and success supply chain, sustained the continuous development for the entire group. A strategies consists of those plans or patterns of actions that integrate an organization’s primary goals, policies and activities into a coherent whole (Patrik Jonsson Logistics Strategy P. 19) 3. 1 Ocado -Logistics Operation Management and Strategies In Sept,2002, Ocado currently operate a 295,000 sq ft, the Fulfilment Centre (CFC) in Hatfield which is largest and highly automated. In Jan 2003 it centralized all warehousing operation and running all the customer majority of orders are relayed from CFC 1 to spokes for ultimate outward delivery to customer. This is a centralized DC and all of products are receive and delivery from this CFC. 5% of inbound goods are delivered direct from producers to CFC1, whiles 15% are delivered from the waitrose supply chain, at full capacity CFC1 will be able to stock up to 40,000 grocery SKU. Delivery area expanded to over 70% of UK household in 2011. All of the order will be order by CFC which simplified the order processing and lower ope ration cost. This is better control over the products, reduce overall stock holding, reduce inventory cost and the groceries are handled less, preserving quality, processes minimize product touch points and maintain the correct product temperature as well. The CFC also supported by 9 regional delivery spoke around the country which is decentralized warehouse, located closer to customers, this is lower inbound logistics cost and transport cost to customers from the spoke. Hub and spoke system adopted, acquired a new spoke in Bristol which opened in March,2011. which is 9 spokes support Ocado’s internet store with shorter delivery lead time and more responsive and able to offer free delivery service for some dedicated time slots. [pic](Ocado-Centralized Distribution Model ) P. 2 In warehouse, using Distribution Centre-based picking approach and around giant network of forklifts scuttle round, conveyor belts crunch, robots replenish shelves and monorails at packing stations, The people using Pick-to-Light concept and pack groceries into green crates, called totes. Orders information transmitted to radio frequency wrist mounts worn by the pickers as they push blue trolleys along the aisles. The wrist device tells the pickers what and how much to pick. Operators are assigned to specific pick zones and each location equipped with a light and readout display, operators scans the incoming tote. Lights for location requiring pick are illuminated and pick quantity is displayed, operator picks items and presses lighted button to confirm picks. The Finger attached scanners let the pickers scan the products and picked from the totes on the shelves. The pick-to-light system is helps Ocado most efficient, timely and accuracy order picking while minimal training required and compared to other paper based picking solution. It is a visual method, the system is more intuitive than printed orders, and it has around 20-50% pick efficiency over than Pick-to-Paper. The monorail’s job is to collect the orders that have been picked form each floor into containers-the trolley totes are loaded into specific pigeon-hole like slots. Each person’s order will now sit in one container. Staff will scans the items from each container’s totes and which customer it belongs to and packed in color-coded bags depending on whether the goods that have been ordered are frozen, chilled or ambient. This helps the delivery person locate an order and finally turn fork-lifted on to little Mercedes Vans for direct delivery. Ocado using own fleet of bespoke van, each delivery van replaces multiple car journeys every single day, by saving the customers a trip to a super market. It helps groceries to reduce the number of cars on the road each day, developed 5th generation of van, which increases payload by 10% to improve delivery performance and they equipped satellite navigation, a CCTV †SmartDrive† camera to ensure the product reaches the customer in right locations and in proper condition. On time delivery is enhance company reputation and reliability. The automatic material equipment is enhancing the efficiency of pick and pack and transit operation in whole supply chain. Ocado using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) for the management of home grocery delivery logistics operation. It monitors an inventory levels. Capturing and transmitting sales data through EDI is crucial to ensure the efficiency of VMI operations and opening up the communication channels. P. 3 3. PARKnshop-Logistics Operation Management and Strategies In 1990, ParknShop was operating all distribution activities from a single high-rise facility in Fo Tan, which is 500,000 sq ft, and designed and handle 100,000 cases per day in peaks season and it is mainly operate a slower-moving goods. In 1992, expanded the ambient distribution capacity and rented 200,000 sq ft of space in the new Hong Kong International Distribution Centre(HIDC) facility in Kwai Chung. The space at HIDC contains two sections, one for fruit and vegetable which need temperature and one for general products. It is acting as the decentralized DC and for fast-moving goods, HIDC is nearby in HK international Ocean Terminal therefore enjoys much spin-off benefit and especially a much improve road network and fast for replenishment, located closer to shops and suppliers are more responsive and short delivery lead time , enables JIT operations too. In 1992, they built facility for frozen and fresh pigs cutting facility in Sheng Shui, The location in here benefit for allowed pigs from Mainland China to HK as live and close to border can reduce transport and operation cost for in bound logistics. In 1995, 10,000 sq ft facility in Ap Lei Chau for the distribution of live freshwater and seawater fish which is fish imported in Hong Kong. Parknshop using the store based picking and Pick-to-Paper for online order and home delivery, The worker by manual picking operation for the on-line order received through Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) . Before taking on line order should be select the delivery district and area first, all on line products was picked from 4 Superstore in stead of picked from their DC. Where are located in Jardine Hill, North Point, Yuen Long and Hung Hom. The purpose can achieve flexible and fast lead time for home delivery The warehouse staff to pick up the order per customer on line order list. They are follow the manifest list start of picking operation and using bar code scanning of sales orders. Afterwards, the orders will roll through roll cage into own fleet for home delivery. This is a traditionally Pick –to –Paper method and let worker handle in easily. They adopt cross-docking for local suppliers as a fast track access to the docks and return and meet the just in time strategy, suppliers will not hold any stocks for all cross docking tems which is eliminated the storage level of inventory and cost effective in warehouse. As a result, it managed to reduce the inventory from local suppliers from 4 weeks to less than 2 days in the whole supply chain. In 1995,Parknshop standardized the size of pallets used for deliveries by suppliers and 14 different size became one improving delivery times enormously. which is eli minated the need for manual unloading at the docks and fast track for transportation. P4 Parknshop was fully computerized, employed a proprietary system from Reteck and automated operation in 2007. Their orders can be sent electronically to suppliers and invoices can be received by Electronically Data Exchange (EDI)Besides, using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) to process of planning implement and controlling the operation of the supply chain. It was enable the stock record for every store to be captured on the computer and for replenishment orders to be automated, it helps reduce the inventory level , keep safety stock and its opening up the communication channels and develop mutually beneficial partnerships along the supply chain . . Information Technology for Logistics Operations On line home grocery delivery makes Information Technology become important and complex, co-operates and communicates with suppliers and customer. Successful adopt IT system to lead entire organization smoothly in order to time saving, enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness, shorten production, material lead time and able streamlining communications channels and improving customer service m anagement . (Pope J Transport Economics Pg. 147) 4. 1 Ocado IT System Advantage Ocado current IT systems are predominantly bespoke and developed in-house by Ocado’s IT team, much of the machinery employed in the CFC is also bespoke. Proprietary intellectual property is integral to the functionality of all aspects of its operations. The CFC is capable of managing and sorting over 20,500 grocery lines and organizing 100,000 deliveries per week. Where IT ensure deliveries arrive at the right address, right time with right contents. Proprietary IP allow for 95% of product availability on the website range for next delivery and 99% availability for next week delivery. It offers the widest range of delivery slots of any online retailer. Tight and reliable delivery windows allow customers to save time compared to visiting a store. On time delivery and minimal products substitution builds consumer loyalty and increases willingness to shop online. Satellite navigation, each bespoke van fitted with a CCTV , SmartDrive camera system to enable complex route delivery into right location and in proper condition and achieve the customer satisfaction. P. 5 User friendly interface, the website, launched IPad, Andriod apps and IPhone apps are more convenience and allow flexibility for customer easier to navigate at any time at any where. At last, Pick-to-Light system, Radio frequency wrist mounts and finger-attached scanners is one of the most efficient and timely order picking method are help to reduce human error and enhance the efficiency and accuracy in warehouse operation. 4. 2 PARKnshop IT System Advantage To explore the opportunities to improve their supply chains, Parknshop deployed Retek software, an Oracle-bases suite of applications that provides solutions in the areas of merchandising, warehouse data, distribution management, demand forecasting, sales auditing , customer order management and various order functions important for the smooth running of retail business . They adopted Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) for all Parknshop stores. It monitors an inventory levels. Capturing and transmitting sales data through EDI is crucial to ensure the efficiency of VMI operations and opening up the communication channels. Just in time (JIT) inventory systems have reduced inventory cost and warehouse expenses, while also improving order fulfillment time. Bar –code is scanned by the cashier at point of sale, the information is transmitted via the store server to a centralized computer , when the number of units on the shelf falls below a pre-set level, a purchase order is automatically sent to the supplier which in turn are delivered to the particular store to re-stock the shelves, this is succeeded keep the inventory stock, increase profitability, benefit the logistics operation and satisfaction for customer need. . Key Difficulties Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level and meet the customer satisfaction, In terms of home grocery deliveries, customer most concerns the best quality and optimal cost of product and on time delivery. A: Routing schedule planning Both Ocado and Parknshop are serious of facing the develop the daily routing schedule , the home groceri es order in various and different basis in daily therefore design a more flexible and efficiency routing schedule to utilize the truck load and transportation cost to maintain the profit, it is a big challenge. P. 6 Besides, more deliveries per route planning may increase the cost , less deliveries or caused by traffic congestion, which means higher risk for miss the on time delivery promise. Different time window (am or pm), peak season demand change also put the routing schedule more complicated and difficult to manage. B: Inventory stock forecasting Ocado on liner grocery product is cover UK by CFC only and their inventory forecast is under country base , it is impossible 100% product available on shell . Parknshop inventory control under forecast individual shop basic which is support on line and retail shop but the on line inventory figure and real time retail shop inventory figure may have different of the time gap. It will occurs out of stock in the retail store but available in on-line service. However, over forecasting will increase the inventory cost and under forecast will be out of stock , it is serious impact the customer satisfaction and suppliers or organization are difficult to planning the inventory stock forecasting in the supply chain. C: High Cost of Land In HK, the geography is small , the rents are high, warehouse costs and warehouse labor are proportionately high, this cost profile mean that HK distributors need to be efficient at stock and warehouse management. Besides, most of the shops are located in building which were not designed to handle goods efficiently, very few have a loading dock and in basements or above ground rather than street level. Land costs have made distribution activities difficult to operate. Different rents in different area at Parknshop store which is occurs different range of the product price, customer may suffer high product price for this situation. D: Limited Data Enablement Ocado’s IT system is limited data enablement the device only had a limited degree of wireless data enablement, required a device could function for up to 16 hours a day on the road and able to withstand a range on weather conditions, Drives would constantly plugging and unplugging the device from the delivery truck while carrying groceries and extremely durable and tough device. he solution was using cost more to activate the device, in additional, failure was coming at a high price, devices not functioning on the road meant missed deliveries, potentially defrosted food and failed to customer satisfaction. The severe difficulties pressure on the home grocery deliveries industry which is impact a higher logistic operation cost and may not reach the customer satisfaction. P. 7 6 Conclusion Hong Kong a small geographic compare with UK and many supermarket around, HK buying behavior is enjoy buying grocery product more frequently in small order at supermarket instead of on line and also as its a part of their entertainment. However, UK people would through on line to bulk buying their grocery product for weekly purpose. No matter how, home grocery delivery is reducing time spent on grocery shopping allows consumers greater flexibility and releases precious time for other activities. P. 8 Reference Partik Jonsson , 2008 â€Å"Logistics Supply Chain Management† McGraw-Hill Education Berkshire Pope. Jeff. 2005-â€Å"Transport Economics† Vineyard Pushing Pty Ltd Australia Christopjer Martin, 2005 â€Å"Logistics and Supply Chain Management† 3rd Edition Pearson Education Limited. Great Britain Journal Artiles: Joh Mash (2001) â€Å"Chain of Demand-A. W. Watson grows sales while cutting stockpiles† Sphere 18-Retail P. 30,31,32 Christine Corns , 2011, Materials â€Å"Logistics Management† Lecture Notes â€Å"Parknshop company overview† Available at : http://www1. parknshop. com/wedshop

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Overview of My Cousin Vinny essays

An Overview of My Cousin Vinny essays The movie, My Cousin Vinny, was a perfect mixture of court room drama with slap stick comedy. Though the elements of criminal justice and court room policies and procedures deviated somewhat from reality, the movie incited constructive debate for years to come. In the movie, Bill and Stan are pulled over and arrested. They had inadvertently taken a can of tuna without paying for it and they thought they were being arrested for shoplifting but little did they know, that was far from the case. The first thing that I noticed during the arrest is that the sheriff had his weapon pulled. The sheriff was arresting them because he thought they had committed a felony. He had every right to have his weapon drawn in this case. During the initial arrest Bill and Stan were not informed about what crime they had been arrested for, which they should have been. Once the young men were transported to the police station they were still not read their Miranda rights but they were asked if they knew th eir rights prior to being interrogated by the sheriff. After a few misleading questions and an obviously coerced confession they were made aware of what they were being accused of. Bill and Stan get implicated as suspects in a murder case. The booking process was unconventional at best, downright illegal at worst. The movie did not show whether or not they were formally booked which consists of positive identification, being informed of the charges against them and providing fingerprints and photographs. They were given the one phone call that they were entitled to which they used to call family members and get legal representation. Then they were placed in a state corrections holding facility where they would remain for the duration of the trial. The proceedings take place in an Alabama court. Vinny, Bills lawyer cousin comes from New York to defend Bill and Stan as a favor to their family. The case involves the murder of a convenience store clerk ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Renaissance Man Essay Example

The Renaissance Man Essay Example The Renaissance Man Essay The Renaissance Man Essay Tianna Woodson Mr. Kasik AP Language and Composition 25 September 2012 Many say that God is perfect, and if we are created in His image, aren’t we too, perfect? Since men have become literate there has been a debate about man’s true nature. Whether or not we are born pure, our true potential, and ideas about what a â€Å"good† man is have constantly been altered as men have evolved, learned, and even barbarized. Philosophers in the late 1400’s like Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola had their own ideas on what a real â€Å"Renaissance Man† was. Their radical ideas that men were born perfect, that we were created to rule the Earth like a god, and have the ability to become divine shook the foundation of the idea of the Renaissance man in the 1400’s. Pico della Mirandola was a philosopher in the 1400’s who believed that men had the power to choose their own destiny, no matter what their birth origins were or whether or not they were wealthy. The basis of his writing Oration of the Dignity of Man was that man can be whatever he wants; whether it is good and pure or bad and hellish. He tells us that our creator taught us, during our hour of creation, that we â€Å"shall have the power to degenerate into the lower forms of life which are savage. And you shall have the power, through reflection of your soul, to be reborn into the higher forms, which are divine†. Mirandola stressed that men were unbound in their abilities; that the power of free will was an absolute right to man. Using his idea that we are â€Å"constrained by no limits† he tried to encourage men to become divine by reaching out and grasping their potential. A Renaissance man, as defined by Pico della Mirandola, is a man that acknowledges his potential to be anything he wishes, and then uses that potential to achieve higher or lower statuses as he sees fit. Marsilio Ficino is much more specific when he describes a Renaissance man. He taught that not only do men have the power to become perfect, but that a true Renaissance man will strive to become divine like our creator. In his writing, The Soul of Man, he stresses the idea that â€Å"Man is the vicar of God† because man rules the Earth like God rules the heavens. Man’s natural nature, as defined by Ficino, is to control everything around him; from the animals, to the tools he uses, to the environment, and â€Å"He who governs the body in so many ways and so important ways is the vicar of the immortal God, he is no doubt immortal†. He also believes that we rule the Earth in the name of our Creator, that we do â€Å"everything for God’s sake†. In Ficino’s eyes, a true Renaissance man is a man who not only acknowledges his ability to become perfect but uses it to be so for their God. Ficino and Mirandola agreed on two attributes that a Renaissance man has. This trait is one they both agree that men ordain from God; that all men are born perfect. Mirandola believes that we are perfect simply because of our freedom. That we are â€Å"most fortunate creatures and therefore worthy of all admiration and given the highest rank in the universal chain of Being†. Mirandola believes that because of the freedom our Creator bestows upon us that we are all born free and worthy of praise. Ficino’s model of a Renaissance man is perfect because of what he does. Any man that controls his environment so efficiently like men do is perfect to Ficino. Man alone abounds such a perfection† simply because we control the aspects of our lives, which apparently animals and other â€Å"Beings† cannot. According to Mirandola and Ficino, a Renaissance man is perfect from the time he is created to the time he dies because of his freedom bestowed by God and because of his ability to control the things around him. The reason our Creator puts us here has always been a topic of discussion but even more of a debate has been how we can become what we were meant to be, how we can rise to our full potential. Both Mirandola and Ficino have opposing and agreeing views on the idea of a â€Å"perfect† man. Mirandola focuses on man’s potential, his ability be bad or good and using it to be so. Ficino says that the Renaissance man is perfect because he is the â€Å"vicar of God†; he uses what our Creator gave us to control that which is around him. They both think that a true Renaissance man is someone who is spiritually perfect, though for different reasons. The idea of a Renaissance man was influenced greatly by them in the 1400’s

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Influence Internet and Digital Technologies on Supply Chain Essay

Influence Internet and Digital Technologies on Supply Chain - Essay Example From the report it is clear that  organisations demonstrate concern on the agility of supply chain, reduction of product time cycle, efficiency, and product delivery. The essence of the above contention is to achieve high performance through introduction of effective and efficient services. The move from the traditional system to the electronic system was because of the influence created by the electronic system to the organisation performance.According to the paper findings the understanding of internet or information technology with respect to SCM would refer to a system where the organisation has no boundaries of sharing its information. Supply chain management is a process where an organisation coordinates, plans, and controls materials (goods) from supply to consumer. The chain consists of geographical facilities of distribution and links created through the transport system that connect the chain to the facilities. The chain would begin from the manufacturing organisation and would end with the consumer. The length of the chain determines the efficiency of the organisation.  Supplier to buyer relationship shows some degree of interdependence. Factors, which influence the interdependence, are bargaining power and supply power among others. The development of organisation’s strategy largely depends on its supply power.  The effectiveness of the chain would depend on the trust demonstrated by the concerned parties. Analysts contends that application of electronic system in product marketing i.e. IT reduces costs associated with coordination because it drastically cut cost of communication and the assets which offer create chain relationship (Salo and Karjaluoto, 2006:56). The competitiveness of a product in the market depends on the consumer information about the product. The essence of digital technology is to influence the traditional supply chain by creating effective operations. Study on traditional chain show that information availability i s limited thus leading to in adequate performance (Simchi-Levi, et.al. 2004:132). Communication is a vital element in the supply chain because it dictates terms of service between the suppliers and the buyers. The effectiveness of the system leads to strategic approaches, which influence the performance of the organisation. Researchers have observed that many organisations have embraced internet and other digital systems in their supply chain process. The shortcoming of the traditional chain includes limited functionality of the enterprise, inflexibility to adapt to environmental changes, limited support functionality in decision-making and limited modularity (Gordon, et.al. 2008:58). Supply Chain in the Book Industry Research on internet influence on SCM in book industry indicates that the application has an influence in the following areas procurement, supply relationship management, customer relationship management, and logistics (Wang, et.al.2011:13). The processes involved in s upply chain of books include publishing, creation, consumption and distribution. The trend is similar to other trends employed by other organisations. A bid to understand the impact of internet application to SCM leads to the following approach of explanations. Internet and other digital technologies on purchasing Availability of information through internet has influenced processes involve

Friday, October 18, 2019

Interview with RTD Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview with RTD - Assignment Example On the other hand, employee handling has generated great benefits to RTD Company by saving the company 5 million. Schemes have also been developed like the shared savings and staffing plans which is the right direction towards meeting the future company needs. The company also derives benefits recovery of 90% of its premiums. Fear is a general term that may be used to describe lack of certainty and clarity of certain issues. It is therefore quite logical to conclude with reference to the responses that fear and lack of it exists in the organization in manageable proportions. According to Cherie, fear exists but not as much as it was previously. This is mainly because the employees now have a union, which can bargain for them. Cherie explains that fear is only caused by lack of trust that is mainly by individuals. Roger says that there is only a pocket of fear, which is majorly caused by employees being afraid to speak out hence a closed environment. George on the other hand resonates fear from the economic fear and insecurity; this is because people may fear being laid off and hence losing their pension. This can though be fixed from better decisions by management on better funding strategies with intense pressure from the union for increased employment of 1st year recruits. RTD corporation has several strengths which has enabled it prosper in its activities among which are their commitment for customer service both internally and externally. The staff of the company is also experienced and they understand well the business of the company, this makes them be good at what they do in delivering service to the clients. The company bases its operations based on trust, which is a virtue. The company through the HR department is also able to do thorough advocacy for the employees; this helps the company to balance what is good for both its employees who are highly motivated and the company. Apart from just having strengths, the company as

Apollo 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apollo 13 - Essay Example It is the highest level of managerial activity and is usually directed by the company's Chief Executive Officer and executive team, and provides overall direction to the whole enterprise. Project management is the actual discipline of defining and achieving targets "while optimizing the use of resources (time, money, people, materials, energy, space, etc) over the course of a project (a set of activities of finite duration)". (Wikipedia, 2006). Project management is often times the province and responsibility of an individual person titled the project manager, and this individual seldom actually participates in the actions that produce the end result, but instead maintains the progress and productive mutual interaction and intervention of various parties in that the overall risk of failure is reduced. Apollo 13 is a movie which is highly influential in regards to promoting modern project and program management practices. This film is commonly used as an example for these theories and those of the like. This is primarily due to the fact that the objectives were made clear: classic project ones: in the words of President Kennedy: "to achieve the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth." (Morris, 1997). A strategy involving the matter of actually getting the moon and back had to be developed, which itself entirely revolved around motivational and management theories. Tasks had to be completed, such as: the engineering of the rockets, landing modules and support infrastructure had to be developed, and astronaut biobehavior in space understood and designed to; and all within highly determined schedule and cost restraints. (Morris, 1997). "The resulting project management approach was hailed at the new management paradigm: the answer to how to tackle many of mankind's problems. (Morris, 1997). Apollo 13 is a prime example of project management; it was not a project in itself, but it is the act of going from concept to definition, development, build, and hand-over. Management is an activity. It is the activity of planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Fayol et al, 1949). Most definitions of project management would agree that, at a minimum, there is (a) integration of the work of others needed to ensure project success - the "single point of integrative responsibility" (Archibald, 1997) - (b) the application of certain project management practices. It is the extent of application of these practices, and the hitherto

ASSIGNMENT 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ASSIGNMENT 4 - Essay Example The region above 75 miles of height is considered as highland. As kerala receives plenty of sunlight, it belongs to the hot climatic zone of the earth. Because of the nearness to sea most of the places have a humid condition. But some places in the eastern part of the state experiences moderate hot and cold weather conditions. The temperature will be low in thise places which are more than 1000m altitude. Therefore, these area are suitable for the cultivation of garden crops like cardamom, coffee and tea. The midland of kerala is a chain of hills and fields in between. The rain water which falls on hills is stored in the fields. A part of this forms the ground water. The remaining flows as streamlets. Kerala is one of the most loved tropical paradises, which boasts some of the richest biodiversity in the world. The climate here is more humid wetter. This part contains wet green forest and most complex and species rich vegetation. The rivers on Kerala have their origin in the ranges o f western Ghats , these rivers quickly drain to the Lakshwadweep sea. Owing to this, the rivers which are flooded during the rainy season become more channels with a lean flow of water during the rainy season. Only a small portion of water form the rainfall is stored in the soil. The major portion of water reaches the sea abruptly. Biodiversity4 The Western Ghats also known as the Sahyadri hills is a mountain chain , different types of vegetation : scrub jungles and grasslands at low altitudes, dry and moist deciduous forests, grasslands and shoals, and the precious tropical evergreen and semi evergreen forests. Complex topography, high rainfall and relative inaccessibility have helped the region retain its biodiversity. Of the 15,000 flowering plant species in India, there are an estimated 4,780 species in the Western Ghats region. There is also a great diversity of traditional crop plants and an equal diversity of animal life. A large number of amphibians, freshwater fishes and in vertebrate groups are endemic to Western Ghats . Man-Made causes for degradation of Environment in Kerala Deforestation DEFORESTATION has many ecological, social and economic consequences, one of which is the loss of biological diversity .The destruction of territory is the most effective form of removal of any particular form of life from the face of earth. Menon and Bava2 have estimated the rate of deforestation in the Western Ghats to be .057% annually during the Period 1920 -1990.The food chain depends on depends upon the vegetation. Forests are an integral part of the vegetation. A vast area of forest has been cut dawn in the name of industrialization And rapid urbanization. Moreover the rural mass depends on the wood from the forest to keep their kitchen fires alive. The recent unstable rain fall in the area is the result of the loss of forest cover. The reduction of annual rain fall in the area is also another observed disaster the region now faces. Large scale deforestation in to Western Ghats and introduction of plantation crops in the high land replacing the natural vegetation reduced the storage capacity of soil and resulted in surface soil erosion in watersheds and sedimentation in rivers. This has affected summer flow in river s and some perennial rivers and rivulets have become seasonal in the last few decades due to large scale land cover changes. Sand Quarrying and River Bank Agriculture Excessive instream san d-and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Caring for chronic illness in the rural setting Essay

Caring for chronic illness in the rural setting - Essay Example They also lack knowledge and training about the caring regimen needed for the family members suffering from chronic disease (Smith-Campbell, 2009, p.562). Hence, it is extremely important for health care professionals to design the services which are not only easily accessible to people living in rural areas but also help them in being capable of providing proper care to their family members suffering from chronic conditions. The Obstacles A study by ‘The Dartmouth Atlas Project’ (2006) has found that the chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer have affected the health of more than 90 million people in the US (Pierce& Lutz, 2009, p.191). Shapiro (2002) has found that the chronic condition is prevalent in more than one third of young adults aged between 18 to 44 years (Pierce& Lutz, 2009, p.191). A study by AHRQ (2002) has revealed that more than 75% of elder population is suffering from either one or more chronic conditions (Pierce& Lutz, 2009, p.192). T hese studies show how serious is the issue of prevalence of chronic conditions in the US population. It is evident that chronic condition is not limited to a particular age group but is affecting people from every age group. Hence, health care by family members is going to play a vital role in controlling the increase of the chronic diseases in people. However, families from rural setting are facing many obstacles in getting the access to health care services. Inadequate Health insurance Inadequate health insurance has proved to be one of the major problems in accessing proper health care services. A study by Lottero et al. (2007) found that even after having a long term relationship with the health care providers, people from farming profession were denied health care as they were not financially capable of paying the bills for their treatment (Smith-Campbell, 2009, p.562). The major problem with the families seeking health care services for chronic conditions in rural areas is tha t they are either uninsured or underinsured (Smith-Campbell, 2009, p.562). Hence, they avoid the treatment for chronic conditions unless it is an emergency (Smith-Campbell, 2009, p.562). The lack of financial resources and sufficient insurance also make them to avoid getting health screening and preventive measures for chronic conditions (Smith-Campbell, 2009, p.562). Hence, instead of getting under control, the lack of proper resources is leading to growth in the prevalence of chronic conditions. Lack Of Facilities There are many obstacles that people living in rural area face in taking advantage of the medical facilities. They cannot utilize the medical facilities due to lack of follow up facilities required for different kind of chronic condition treatments. A qualitative research, conducted to study the obstacles in implementation of lifestyle and pharmacological changes to improve the chronic condition of ischemic heart disease, found that the use of ACE inhibitors was not poss ible in case of rural patients as it required follow-up blood tests (Putnam, Twohig, Burge, Jackson, & Cox, 2004, p. 401) Unfortunately, people living in the rural area, who suffer from hypertension and congestive heart diseases, cannot use ACE inhibitors as they cannot get an easy access to the blood test facility. Similarly, the facilities for physical exercise are also not accessible to the

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project 2 - Essay Example The second step is for the temperature to be allocated in various topological areas, using a model through which a single cell affects the next cell’s temperature. Alterations in the temperature of the whole plate goes on to the last spot when it attains equilibrium point. There are various tools to be used when plotting temperatures on a given scale. In this context, the contour plotting tool will be used to determine temperature distribution across diversified topologies in cases where different basic temperatures are utilized for the walls of a specified grid. In order to avoid too much theoretical work, tables and figures will be used to summarize some points in this assignment, and to clarify complex explanations. Four instance, the four types of topologies that have been used to explore temperature distribution are represented in the figure below and the table shows their matching details. This is simply to ease understanding and guide the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ASSIGNMENT 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ASSIGNMENT 4 - Essay Example The region above 75 miles of height is considered as highland. As kerala receives plenty of sunlight, it belongs to the hot climatic zone of the earth. Because of the nearness to sea most of the places have a humid condition. But some places in the eastern part of the state experiences moderate hot and cold weather conditions. The temperature will be low in thise places which are more than 1000m altitude. Therefore, these area are suitable for the cultivation of garden crops like cardamom, coffee and tea. The midland of kerala is a chain of hills and fields in between. The rain water which falls on hills is stored in the fields. A part of this forms the ground water. The remaining flows as streamlets. Kerala is one of the most loved tropical paradises, which boasts some of the richest biodiversity in the world. The climate here is more humid wetter. This part contains wet green forest and most complex and species rich vegetation. The rivers on Kerala have their origin in the ranges o f western Ghats , these rivers quickly drain to the Lakshwadweep sea. Owing to this, the rivers which are flooded during the rainy season become more channels with a lean flow of water during the rainy season. Only a small portion of water form the rainfall is stored in the soil. The major portion of water reaches the sea abruptly. Biodiversity4 The Western Ghats also known as the Sahyadri hills is a mountain chain , different types of vegetation : scrub jungles and grasslands at low altitudes, dry and moist deciduous forests, grasslands and shoals, and the precious tropical evergreen and semi evergreen forests. Complex topography, high rainfall and relative inaccessibility have helped the region retain its biodiversity. Of the 15,000 flowering plant species in India, there are an estimated 4,780 species in the Western Ghats region. There is also a great diversity of traditional crop plants and an equal diversity of animal life. A large number of amphibians, freshwater fishes and in vertebrate groups are endemic to Western Ghats . Man-Made causes for degradation of Environment in Kerala Deforestation DEFORESTATION has many ecological, social and economic consequences, one of which is the loss of biological diversity .The destruction of territory is the most effective form of removal of any particular form of life from the face of earth. Menon and Bava2 have estimated the rate of deforestation in the Western Ghats to be .057% annually during the Period 1920 -1990.The food chain depends on depends upon the vegetation. Forests are an integral part of the vegetation. A vast area of forest has been cut dawn in the name of industrialization And rapid urbanization. Moreover the rural mass depends on the wood from the forest to keep their kitchen fires alive. The recent unstable rain fall in the area is the result of the loss of forest cover. The reduction of annual rain fall in the area is also another observed disaster the region now faces. Large scale deforestation in to Western Ghats and introduction of plantation crops in the high land replacing the natural vegetation reduced the storage capacity of soil and resulted in surface soil erosion in watersheds and sedimentation in rivers. This has affected summer flow in river s and some perennial rivers and rivulets have become seasonal in the last few decades due to large scale land cover changes. Sand Quarrying and River Bank Agriculture Excessive instream san d-and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project 2 - Essay Example The second step is for the temperature to be allocated in various topological areas, using a model through which a single cell affects the next cell’s temperature. Alterations in the temperature of the whole plate goes on to the last spot when it attains equilibrium point. There are various tools to be used when plotting temperatures on a given scale. In this context, the contour plotting tool will be used to determine temperature distribution across diversified topologies in cases where different basic temperatures are utilized for the walls of a specified grid. In order to avoid too much theoretical work, tables and figures will be used to summarize some points in this assignment, and to clarify complex explanations. Four instance, the four types of topologies that have been used to explore temperature distribution are represented in the figure below and the table shows their matching details. This is simply to ease understanding and guide the

Combustion of a series of Alcohols Essay Example for Free

Combustion of a series of Alcohols Essay The larger the surface area over which the reaction can occur, and the faster the reaction rate. This is because small particles have a large surface area in relation to their volume more particles are exposed and available for collision this means more collisions take place so the reaction is faster. Oppositely large particles have small surface area in relation to their volume fewer particles are exposed and available for collisions. This means less collisions and a slower reaction. To ensure that my test will be fair I have to keep all these factors the same except for one, the concentration. I will have to control the temperature of the room; the particle size will be same as I will shake the substance so it will be equally diffused. Hypothesis I predict that the higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid the faster the reaction occurs. The lower the concentration the slower the reaction is. Supporting information I base this hypothesis on the collision theory as I know that concentration affects the reaction greatly. This is because when there is a higher concentration the particles are closely packed together and there are more successful collisions occurring, thus making the reaction happen quicker. Preliminary For my preliminary I have used various concentrations of hydrochloric acid and 4cm of magnesium ribbon. The concentrations that I decided to experiment was he reason why I am doing a preliminary experiment is so that I know which concentrations of hydrochloric acid to use that would make my experiment more convenient. For the actual preliminary experiment I reacted hydrochloric acid with magnesium ribbon to see how long it took. I did this by watching when the magnesium ribbon had stopped reacting and disappeared. Although I was just using this method to find out how long a particular concentration took to finish reacting I attached a glass syringe to my conical flask to observe how much hydrogen was being produced, so that I could be prepared when it came to doing my actual experiment. The table below shows the amount of hydrochloric acid and water I used for a certain percent and the time taken for the magnesium ribbon to fully stop reacting. Volume of HCL (ml) Volume of H2O % of concentration Time taken for the mg ribbon to disappear (in seconds). From looking at the information from my preliminary I have decided to use the following concentrations for my actual experiment: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. The reason why I have decided to use these percentages of concentrations is because even though it shows a variety it will not be as time consuming as 10% concentration of hydrochloric acid took 1205 seconds which was approximately 20 minutes. 10% concentration took so long that I didnt have enough time, there for I left it anonymous. I also realised that even though I experiment 20% of hydrochloric acid it will still take long, there for I decided to lower the amount of magnesium ribbon so I decided to use 3. 5cm instead of 4cm. From doing my preliminary I have decided to repeat my experiment 3 times because this will give me a more reliable results to choose from and an average. This also will be less time consuming then repeating it 5 times. The preliminary experiment also helped my produce a better plan because I learnt that for 100% of concentration the reaction takes place quite quickly there for watching the stop watch had to be done very quickly but correctly. Plan: The apparatus that I will be needing for experiment and why: 3. 5cm of magnesium ribbons to react with HCL Stop watch to measure how long it took for the magnesium ribbon to stop reacting. Hydrochloric acid (1m) to react with the magnesium ribbon Measuring cylinder to measure the concentration of H20 and HCL Pipette to measure smaller concentrations of H20 and HCL Retort stand to hold the syringe Conical flast for the reaction Thermometer to measure room temperature Syringe to measure the volume of hydrogen produced Ruler to measure 3. 5cm of magnesium ribbon Scissors to cut the magnesium ribbon Distilled water to add with the concentrations of HCL Sand paper to sand the magnesium ribbon 1. I will firstly collect all the equipment needed for my experiment, then measure them to the exact measurement. I will start with 100% concentration of hydrochloric acid which will contain no distilled water and 10ml concentration. I will then measure my magnesium ribbon to 3. 5cm and sand it 8 times on each side making sure it is fair. Using the measuring cylinder and pipette I will put my hydrochloric acid into the conical flask. 2. To ensure that the magnesium ribbon doesnt get stuck I will coil the magnesium ribbon with a clean sterilised ruler. 3. I will then attach the syringe onto the retort stand. Then I will attach my conical flask with the syringe. 4. Because I want this test to be fair I cannot do it on my own so my partner will start the stopwatch as soon as I drop the magnesium ribbon into the hydrochloric acid. Then I will seal the conical flask with the cork. 5. Every 10 seconds my partner will tell my the time on the stop watch and then I will look at the syringe to see what the volume of gas produced is. I will note this down very quickly. 6. After the reaction has fully stopped. I will empty the conical flask, then start the same process again but for 80% concentration which is 8ml of hydrochloric acid and 2ml of distilled water. This process will happen for all 5 concentrations. 7. After experimenting all 5 concentrations I will repeat the same process 3 times to ensure my results are fair and reliable. Keeping my experiment fair: making sure all equipment is clean from unwanted substances. sanding the magnesium ribbon same times on each side. hile my partner starts stop watch, I quickly drop magnesium ribbon so it is done at the same time. Use the same length of magnesium ribbon, checking it is exactly 3. 5cm. Safety issues:aking sure I wear my goggles at all times. Tying hair up. Tuck in stalls, and stand up during experiment. Making sure I handle all the equipment correctly. If there is any spillage, quickly wiping it with paper towels. Obtaining evidence: 100% Time (sec) Volume 1 Volume 2 volume 3 Average 1.To find my average number of hydrogen produced I added the 3 volumes together then divided by 3. The answer most close I decided was my average. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mappes Theories of Sexual Morality

Mappes Theories of Sexual Morality Some feminists have been accused of providing a negative view of sex, suggesting that all sex is rape and that males are the negative gender. Yet, what Dworkin and MacKinnon were really talking about was that the difference been consensual sex and rape is one of degree and not of kind (Kinloch Grebowicz 2004). In other words, the same sex act occurs in rape or consensual relationships, and sometimes it is difficult to tell when a rape has occurred or the sex was desired. When examining sex, there are many points of view. Thomas A. Mappes writes about the idea of using another person for sexual gratification. Are people really being used? What is coercive and what is consensual? These questions loom when one examines the subject of sex. Mappes begins a piece entitled Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person with the notion that if in fact the nonmarital sex is not immoral, and that sex without love is not immoral either, then it stands to reason that there are no substantive moral restrictions on any acts of sex. This is a different concept to fathom. It would mean that an anything goes attitude would prevail and that orgies in the street would be permissible much like animals gather to mate. Yet, the reality is that human beings are modest. They hide their sex lives from their acquaintances. Some engage in relationships behind closed doors like Jesse James and Tiger Woods, but even when such clandestine affairs are out in the open, individuals explain it away as an addiction. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what sexual morality is. Mappes employs Kantian ethics to make his points, noting that it is wrong to use A to get to point B if in fact the only reason to use A is to get to that B position. In other words, a man may date a woman and have sexual intercourse with her and derive satisfaction. Yet, the sex act should take place in the context of love, for example, and not just to derive pleasure. If however the man uses the woman to get from point A to point B and for his own uses alone, then he is using her. He talks about voluntary informed consent however (Mappes). When Mappes talks about using another person, he does not imply that the use is immoral. It merely exists. When lying is involved, then the sexual act is deceptive (Mappes). Depending on the circumstances, holding back information may be considered a form of deception (Mappes). One can imagine that if a woman is dating a man and does not know that the man is married, then she is being duped. Consent is tricky however. Someone may be used by another but both individuals really know what is going on. The rape victim who is forced at knife point is obviously someone who is not consenting to sex (Mappes). That is coerced. However, someone who consents to sex under unusual circumstances, is not necessary being forced, even if there is some coercion or unsavory expectations in the mix. It seems as if coercion and deception are important elements when it comes to using another human being sexually (Mappes). The author concludes that using another person can only occur when someone either deceives, coerces, or takes advantage of someones desperate situation (Mappes). Many things enter the picture. Is there a threat involved, or an offer? In other words, is there coercion? An example is that in the film Indecent Proposal, a rich man offers a needy couple one million dollars for one night of sex. When they agree, their lives change. The wife does not realize how difficult living will be after essentially prostituting herself. There was no coercion. She was lured into it, but arguably she was used because a very rich man would take advantage of a poor couple. One can use the same logic to explain why women become prostitutes. Many say they are just paying the bills. Yet, one has to wonder if the situation is truly one where there is coercion or an exercise of free will. A similar storyline to Indecent Proposal comes from a recent episode of Gossip Girl where in an intricate plot; Blair is willing to sleep with her boyfriends cousin in order to win an empire back. She does it for the boyfriend, but in the end, it appears that she has not done the right thing. She was tricked into giving herself to someone she despises in order to change her circumstances. How does one know what an offer is really a threat? What question might be asked to determine whether a statement is an offer or a threat? One may ask what the outcome would be if one says yes or no. In the case of the film or television program mentioned, the outcome would result in a reduced amount of money and worldly goods. No harm would come to either woman or man. Yet, if the outcome would be loss of life or torture or something along those lines, then the offer would be construed as a threat. Coercion thus is not always equated with a threat. The author makes the point at the end that using another person occurs only when someone either deceives, coerces, or takes advantage of someones desperate situation (Mappes, 2007). This is true in that in all of these instances, one may use another sexually, but there are other situations where one may be used. For example, someone may enter into a relationship where a man is rather superficial. Perhaps he has narcissistic personality disorder and cannot love anyone in a deep sense. A woman enters a relationship with him and adores him. She does not realize he cannot love to the depths that she can. She falls in love with him but the problem is that he really cannot love her back. They have sex and she feels close to him, but he does not feel the same way even though he says I love you. He is not lying. For him, he loves her, but it is not in the same way she loves him. When he breaks up with her because he is bored of the relationship, and then starts a sexual relationship with a y ounger, more attractive woman, the woman who was dumped feels used. In respect to Mappes position, the author makes a good case, but there may be times when a coercive offer is part of the equation and there is an obvious use of another, or when there is no explicit sense of using another, someone will feel used. In the case of the narcissist, is the significant other really being used? Much depends on the mind of the reader. There is no coercive offer. If the woman feels used, that does not mean she was. There was no coercion or threat, so on some level, this case that appears to oppose the author really helps to support his point.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bigger Thomas, of Native Son and Tupac Shakur Essays -- Richard Wright

"Negro writers must accept the nationalist implications of their lives, not in order to encourage them, but in order to change and transcend them. They must accept the concept of nationalism because, in order to transcend it, they must posses and understand it." -- Richard Wright In 1996, famed rapper and entertainer Tupac Shakur[1] was gunned down in Las Vegas. Journalistic sentiment at the time suggested he deserved the brutal death. The New York Times headline, "Rap Performer Who Personified Violence, Dies," suggested Shakur, who was twenty five when he died, deserved his untimely death. - (Pareles, 1996) A product of a fatherless home, raised poor in the ghettos of San Francisco, Shakur, notes Ernest Harding of the L.A. Weekly, "lived in a society that still didn't view him a[s] human, that projected his worst fears onto him; [so] he had to decide whether to battle that or embrace it." (Hardy, 1996) As these fears forced Shakur into a corner, Shakur, in the music magazine Vibe, alludes to his own interior battle noting "there's two nigga's inside me," adding "one wants to live in peace, and the other won't die unless he's free." (All Eyes on Him, 1996) While many of his lyrics sensationalized gang violence and ghetto politics, dramatizing the murder of fe llow African Americans and, especially, police officers, he also labored over trying to come to grips with African American self-realization, breaking free from imposed societal chains. Unfortunately, as Barry Glassner muses in his book The Culture of Fear (1999), ï ¿ ½it seems to me at once sad, inexcusable, and entirely symptomatic of the culture of fear that the only version of Tupac Shakur many Americans knew was a frightening and unidimensional caricature.ï ¿ ½ (127) In o... ...ttman, S. (2001). What Bigger Killed For: Rereading Violence Against Women in Native Son. Texas Studies in Literature and Language 43.2 , 169-193. Hardy, E. (1996, September 20). Do Thug Niggaz Go to Heaven? L.A. Weekly , p. 51. Lena, J. C. (2006). Social Context and Musical Content of Rap Music, 1979-1995. Social Forces 85.1 , 479-495. Pareles, J. (1996, September 12). Tupac Shakur, 25, Rap Performer Who Personified Violence, Dies. New York Times , pp. A1, 34. Saddik, A. J. (2003). Rap's Unruly Body: The Postmodern Performance of Black Male Identity On the American Stage. The Drama Review 47.4 , 110-127. Shakur, Tupac. "Words of Wisdom, Crooked Ass Nigga." 2pacalypse Now. 1991. Shakur, Tupac. "God Bless the Dead." Greatest Hits. 1998. Wright, R. (1940 Reissued in Harper Perennial Modern Classics in 2005). Native Son. New York: HarperCollins.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aztecs :: essays research papers

According to their own history, the Aztecs, who called themselves the Tenochca or Mexica, started as a small nomadic tribe originating from a place called Aztlan. Aztlan existed somewhere in the southern part of California or the north west of Mexico. At this time they were Nahuatl speaking. During the twelfth century they started a period of wandering and in the thirteenth century they came across Mexico's central valley. There they decided to settle. The reason for this is a prophecy. The prophecy said that when they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus with a snake in its mouth that was where they were to build their great civilization. For that reason they called it Tenochtitlan, meaning place of the cactus. Since the prophecy was filled upon an island in the middle of a small lake, called Lake Texcoco, land became short. They built Tenochtitlan in the year thirteen twenty five BC. They started as a small struggling village continually fighting with other Mexican city-states. Tenochtitlan acted as a place of refuge. Aztec Empire At first the Aztecs where ruled by the mightiest of the city-states in central Mexico known as Azcapotzlaco. They helped Azcapotzlaco to conquer surrounding territory in the early fourteen hundreds. By fourteen twenty-eight they had Azcopotzlaco itself with the help of neighboring allies. Tenochtitlan, by the year fourteen thirty-one, with an alliance with the neighboring city-states of Texcoco and Tlacopan had become and independent city-state itself. This triple alliance of three city-states soon controlled all of Mexico's central valley. Tenochtitlan, as the dominate city-state in this alliance, became a base for a program of military expansion and conquest. However the program was left incomplete even when the empire fell to the Spaniards. To connect the Capitol to the mainland the Aztecs built a network of canals, bridges and three stone causeways. Aztecs didn't rule directly over the lands they concord. Instead they demanded tribute such as food, clothing, woven blankets, precious stones, furs, feathers, fine woods and slaves or captives. As a result these products became available in the marketplace and common in people's homes. The emperor's power came from his control of the military, wich was exceedingly large. Under him was his chief deputy, who would communicate with the gods and relate the gods wishes to the Emperor. Below him there was a council of four noble princes and three honored classes of warriors who managed day to day affairs in the empire. Below them were four social classes, nobles, commoners, serfs and slaves. Nobles: the nobles owned private plots of land or shared land with other families. Commoners: The commoners were the largest group who included priests, merchants, artisans, and farmers who held land in common with the nobles. Serfs: The majority of the serfs farmed the nobles land. Slaves: The slaves were the lowest

Friday, October 11, 2019

Proposal for Library System

ACLC College Balanga City, Bataan CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLE PROPOSAL In Partial Fulfillment of the Program Requirements In Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Proposed Start Date: Anticipated Date of Graduation: Engr. Carmencita O. Savella Thesis Adviser 1. Tentative Thesis Title: This needs to be succinct, reflecting the appropriate scope of work you are undertaking.For instance, â€Å"Investigations in the Applications of XML† is so broad as to be meaningless, â€Å"Using XML for Data Representation† is a little more focused but is still too broad, but â€Å"Using XML for Data Representation in Financial Service Brokerage Systems† might be reasonable, and â€Å"Comparing XML Data Representation to Traditional Data Representation in Financial Services Brokerage Systems† would be much more appropriate. At this point, consider your title a working title, since changes in direction along the way will affect the results you finally achieve. 2. A bstractDescribe, in one or two sentences, what the central theme, or thesis, of this project is to be. Then, in only two or three paragraphs, give a summary of what you hope your project will show, what technologies are relevant, and what your approach is. 3. Thesis Project Description In this section, elaborate on the summary above. This gives you a chance to describe how background work you have already done in narrowing down your thoughts to a thesis topic of a reasonable scope. Include references to material you have used to help you define this proposal (use the References section to give a complete description of the references).Begin by describing the context in which this project is being done. This includes relevant course work, research sources, your own background and readiness for the topic, other research that is like yours or upon which your project is based (use references if need be). Next, describe how you will approach the project and related implementation work. F or instance, you can give a description of background information you have already gathered, and other sources you expect to tap into.Then describe the implementation vehicle (for instance, an application you will build) that will either illustrate your thesis or form the core of your demonstration. If you have any preliminary requirements or design information (including object models, data models, algorithms) describe them here. This chapter should cover the following: †¢ Background of the project †¢ Comparison of your approach to other approaches †¢ A description of the application or software components that will be written as part of the project †¢ A brief description of your technology choicesToo often, a student will present a diagram showing a set of tiers, such as Presentation, 3 Business Logic and Data Access. This is usually accompanied by text that explains the well-known purpose of each tier. While this is a useful way to organize one's implementatio n that is supported by many platforms, there are two problems with this diagram as â€Å"the architecture for my system†. First, most people who use this don't include a single word on the diagram that refers to any specific feature of the application; that is, the diagram is application-independent. An nalogy is that of a housing architect sending you a model for your new house that shows four tiers: a foundation, two floors with walls, and the roof. What you really need to see are diagrams that show how the house fits into its surroundings and the elements of the house and their relationships to one another – the style of the doors and windows, the location of rooms, stairs, hallways, and so on, so that you can imagine how you might live in the house. Second, although these multi-tier diagrams have been around and are available from many sources, no citation of the source used is present.So you need to think carefully about the major functional components of the appl ication you're building from a user perspective (e. g. , a Customer Information Service, an Order Subsystem, a Business Rule Interpreter) and also indicate how these components depend on one another. Only then can you convey to a potential user what the system will do when it's built and how you are planning to design and stage the implementation. 4 Work Plan In this chapter, describe what your overall work plan is.Be as specific as you can as to how the parts of your project work will come together so that you and your thesis director can make better decisions about changes as new information comes to light. 4. 1 Assumptions, Risks and Alternatives Describe the development environment you require (language, OS, system) and other tools you expect to use. Also describe any assumptions you have made about what it will take to finish your work. Describe the risks you now see as inherent in your work and alternatives you might have to take to ameliorate these risks (e. g. , project scop e and alternatives for scope reduction) 4. Preliminary Schedule Give a breakdown of the activities that lead to completion of major milestones in your work, and give rough time estimates for completing these activities. These should be at the level of detail of 2-4 weeks each. 5 Glossary You should not assume that all readers are familiar with the technology or terminology referred to in your thesis proposal. This section should include definitions of major terms and an explanation of acronyms. 6 References Be sure to adhere to the format for references in the Thesis Guide. Also, use the proper format for citations of references in the document.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Online Grading System Essay

Computer technology has become an essential tool in the current human race. Computers serve as efficient data storage systems and excellent information processors. It can store, organize and manage huge amount of data. Moreover, it operates on incomparable speeds, thus saving human time and effort to a large extent. True, computers are an integral part of the lives of the people today. It said that inventions change the way people live. Computer technology is a classic example of this adage. It has indeed changed the way of living of the people all over the world. In essence, grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of instructors. It involves the collection and evaluation of students’ achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as one month, a semester, or entire school year. Through this process, various types of descriptive information and measures of students’ performance are converted into grades that summarize students’ accomplishments. The increasing usage of computers gave way for the birth of a new technological advancement that had assisted teachers to easily compute for grades, the digitization of spreadsheets. The main advantage is speed, since no manual calculations are needed, and confirmation of grade for any further necessary alterations can also be performed more quickly than traditional means. Managing grades had become easier for instructors when using electronic spreadsheets1. With the advancement of information technology, the Internet suddenly became an important aspect for local and global connectivity. Because the computers around the globe were logically connected through the Internet, communication had been easier with the use of E-Mail, message boards and other communication programs. As the technology’s complexities and bandwidth arise, so does the need for software to utilize them. From basic text and images, innovation pushed web sites to include tools for specialized services. The need to inject applications to the fundamental web pages gave birth to server-side scripts like PHP, and database applications like MySQL. Thus, having an online system for a particular company, means having advantages, advantages like having to visit the own website whenever wanted with comfort and without having to walk yourself to the company itself. The current Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College is done manually. The researchers observed that the current aforementioned system allocates a lot of time before having to submit the grades of the students from the teachers. The posting and viewing of grades in Asian Development Foundation College is also manually processed. The teachers go through a lot of computations for each of their student’s grade which causes a lot of effort and consumes time as well, then after computing the grades, the teachers then presents the grades to the school administration of Asian Development Foundation College to provide it for the students. The students will have to wait for their teacher to finish computing their grade and will need to go to school to ask for their grades. So if there would be a much easier way in posting the grades by the teachers and viewing the grades by the students, it is through an Online System. The researchers proposed an Online Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College so that the submission and viewing of grades would be much easier. It is far more convenient for a student to visit a website of their school and is able to view their grades through online without any hassle. Moreover, it is very less stressing for the teachers to just input the grades of the students through online without computing manually. So if an Online Grading System for Asian Development Foundation College would be developed, then the process of submitting the grades of the students by the teachers would be easier and less stressing. Because the teachers will not have to compute manually anymore, the Online System will be the one to compute the grades once inputted. And the students of Asian Development Foundation College will be able to see their grades through online. Statement of the problem The proposed Online Grading System is exclusively designed for Asian Development Foundation College Tacloban city. It aims to answer the following: 1. What are the problems encountered by the respondents on the present Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College(High School Department)? 2. What system will be proposed to lessen the problems with regards to the Grading System of the institution? 3. What are the inputs needed to develop an Online Grading System of the Aforementioned institution? 4. What are the assessment of the respondents on the developed Online Grading System of in terms of: a. Contents? b. Usefulness? Theoretical Framework As saying knowledge is power. Gagne suggest that learning tasks for intellectual skills can be organized in a hierarchy according to complexity: procedure following, the use of terminology, discriminations, concepts formation, rule application and problem solving. The primary significance of the hierarchy is to identify prerequisites that should be complete to facilitate learning at each level. Doing a task analysis of learning and training task identifies prerequisites. Learning hierarchies provide a basis for the sequencing of instruction. Learning strategies refer to methods that students use to learn. These ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying. The method of logic is a classic memory improvement techniques, it involves in making associations between facts to be remembered in a particular location. In order to remember you have to visualize place and associated facts. Some learning strategy involves changes to the design of the instruction. For example, the use questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the degree of learning that occurred have called â€Å"mathemagenic†. Information Processing Theory, this concept of information processing states that this theory is primarily concerned with the study of memory and on the evaluation of information. Like computer the human mind takes in information and performs operation when needed and retrieval. Having accurate information in conducting the study will help in the process evaluation primary concern. The researchers in getting information to their pilot area that will be needed as the study continues have applied the theory2. Constructivism Theory views that knowledge is not about the world but rather constitutive of the world. Knowledge is not a fixed about the individual through his practice of the object constructs it. A person who has the exact knowledge of a certain activity is so much important. When people work collaboratively in an authentic activity they bring their own framework and perspective to the activity. They can see the problems form different perspective and are able to negotiate and generate meaning and solution through shared understanding3. Elaboration Theory of Instruction deals with the macro level of instruction. It is primarily concerned with the sequencing of ideas as opposed to the individual ideas themselves and examples relating to them. The sequencing of ideas relates to fundamental and representational ideas or core principles. This theory serves as foundation from which more specific maybe developed. This is applicable to the researchers study because this ideas with the analyzing of the program4. Conceptual Framework The basis for conceptualizing the Online Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College which is proposed by the researchers is that it can help envision the path that the aforementioned system would be heading to.