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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Safe systems of work employee perception and the implications for Essay

Safe systems of work employee perception and the implications for management - Essay Example Attributing incidents to human error has often been seen as a sufficient explanation in itself and something which is beyond the control of managers. This view is no longer acceptable to society as a whole. Organisations must recognise that they need to consider human factors as a distinct element which must be recognised and managed effectively in order to control risk. ( Health and Safety Executive HSG 48 Reducing error and influencing behaviour, 1999) Managers in industry know that accidents cost money. Whether people are injured, plant and machinery damaged or product wasted, organisations lose money. Large scale losses such as those arising from major fires or explosion, or involving loss of life, are very visible and some have been costed on an individual basis. For example the Piper Alpha explosion involved the loss of 167 lives and is estimated to have cost over  £2 billion including  £746 million in direct insurance payouts (Health and Safety Executive The costs of Accid ents at wWork, 2000). Another illustration of major accidents which can be contributed to by human factors is the case of Three Mile Island when serious damage occurred to the core of a nuclear reactor due to operator failure to diagnose a stuck open valve due to poor design of control panel, distraction of 100 alarms activating and inadequate operator training (Health and Safety Executive, HSG48 Reducing aAccidents and iInfluencing Behaviour ,2000). Maintenance failures had occurred before, but no steps had been taken to prevent them recurring. Accidents can occur through peoples involvement with their work. As technical systems have become more reliable, the focus has turned to human causes of accidents. It is estimated that up to 80% of accidents may be attributed, at least in part, to the actions or omissions of people (Health and Safety Executive HSG48 Reducing aAccidents and Influencing Behaviour

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