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Friday, October 18, 2019

Interview with RTD Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview with RTD - Assignment Example On the other hand, employee handling has generated great benefits to RTD Company by saving the company 5 million. Schemes have also been developed like the shared savings and staffing plans which is the right direction towards meeting the future company needs. The company also derives benefits recovery of 90% of its premiums. Fear is a general term that may be used to describe lack of certainty and clarity of certain issues. It is therefore quite logical to conclude with reference to the responses that fear and lack of it exists in the organization in manageable proportions. According to Cherie, fear exists but not as much as it was previously. This is mainly because the employees now have a union, which can bargain for them. Cherie explains that fear is only caused by lack of trust that is mainly by individuals. Roger says that there is only a pocket of fear, which is majorly caused by employees being afraid to speak out hence a closed environment. George on the other hand resonates fear from the economic fear and insecurity; this is because people may fear being laid off and hence losing their pension. This can though be fixed from better decisions by management on better funding strategies with intense pressure from the union for increased employment of 1st year recruits. RTD corporation has several strengths which has enabled it prosper in its activities among which are their commitment for customer service both internally and externally. The staff of the company is also experienced and they understand well the business of the company, this makes them be good at what they do in delivering service to the clients. The company bases its operations based on trust, which is a virtue. The company through the HR department is also able to do thorough advocacy for the employees; this helps the company to balance what is good for both its employees who are highly motivated and the company. Apart from just having strengths, the company as

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